i Cryptic Crossword 2706 Klingsor

October 10, 2019

It’s Thursday, a Thursday reprint too, and one that is, to quote the original blogger “pitched at what I consider to be the appropriate level for a daily cryptic: far from a write-in, but not mind-blowingly difficult either.” I started in the SE corner rapidly filling the bottom half of the grid, slowed a little to the NE, and needed a little more time to the NW, finishing comfortably under par for the i.

Things I didn’t like? The indirect anagram at 6d and FA for nothing elsewhere, which seemed to be all the rage at one time.

What I did like was Klingsor’s always clear wordplay, with only a handful of obscurities dotted round the grid. Challenging enough to be interesting, but never a slog. So overall a big thumbs up from me.

COD? Let’s go with 3d, which is as nicely done as you’d like – “Small children returning can finally pay attention – it’s time to learn (6,4)”.

To July 2015:


6 Responses to “i Cryptic Crossword 2706 Klingsor”

  1. dtw42 said

    Hm, okay, so *that’s* what’s going on at 6dn. I just bunged it in without really understanding. 29ac was last in.

    In the 15² blog, the explanation for 28ac says ‘“term for” means last letter only’ … if so, that’s the first time I’ve even encountered that (so another just bunged in without really understanding). Meh.

  2. michaelatcobblerscottage said

    I agree with dtw42 about the “term for” thing in GLOWER. I likewise put it in with a shrug. And, in response to Jon, when I come across “FA” for “nothing” I do find myself, an otherwise liberal and worldly sort of chap, feeling much as I imagine my late maiden great-aunts must have felt… ☺.

    Otherwise, a thoroughly enjoyable solve, with a good level of challenge, but very fair and doable. I needed to resort to google only to check OLEFIN. I do wonder, however, if any solver much younger than me has heard of Adam Faith; I am in my fifties and can only just remember him.

  3. batarde said

    I concur with all the above. 6d is clearly a no ball, and I’m flabbergasted that Klingsor of all people would resort to such a tactic. Didn’t care for “term” either. The use of the fragrant Ms Adams to signify nothing doesn’t bother me all that much, however, except that it’s a bit of a tired device. Not, I fear, Klingsor’s best work today, but it’s still pretty good.

  4. The idea for 6d was that one of the meanings of “preposterous” is “putting/having the last first” so it wasn’t an indirect anagram. The A of IDEA just goes to the front. I didn’t realise when I set this that so many people would misunderstand, and AFAIK I haven’t used this trick again.


    • Cornick said

      Well our setter got there before me, but good people you have to trust Klingsor a bit more – preposterous isn’t an anagram indicator at all, it’s a put-the-last-letter-first indicator, as can be seen in it’s definition in Chambers and also, to the etymologically minded among us, in the word itself. I’m minded to think this is the third time he’s wheeled it out, with a similar reaction each time. Shame, really.
      Liked ‘Term for’ as well, which provided a nice ‘pdm’.
      Super puzzle overall, no quibbles from me, just plenty of ticks, especially the appearances of Billy Graham, Henry Wood and Bomber Harris. Brilliant.

    • jonofwales said

      Thanks for the clarification. An indirect anagram did seem out of character. 🙂

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