i Cryptic Crossword 2814 Klingsor

February 14, 2020

I felt panic rising when I had read through all of the across clues and most of the downs without seeing an easy-ish point-of-entry into this crossword. So it was back to the beginning to work batarde-fashion systematically through the clues, starting with the anagram at 1ac. To my surprise, it yielded fairly readily, after a false start involving “shivers” rather than “jitters”. A little while later, having noted a V and a J in 1ac, and the X in 4d, I was excitedly expecting a pangram.

In that, I was disappointed – but not in the crossword as a whole, which was both a challenge and a pleasure to solve. Yes, it was difficult (at least for me) and I had to work hard on some parsings, even after I had got the answers from definitions and crossing letters, particularly PRAGUE, CALCITE and ENTREPRENEUR. But by the end I had absolutely no queries left, with everything being neatly and often impressively clued. It resulted in a rewarding and pleasurable solve.

In particular, the surface readings of the clues was a delight. Cornick noted yesterday that that day’s early Hoskins suffered from a lack of the patina that only develops with time and repeated use. Today, Klingsor made such polish seem effortless, and this added so much to the joy of solving.

Clue of the day, not least for it’s nice surface reading, has to be 1A: “Flying jet that’s extremely huge – I’ve right to be nervous (4,3,7)”.

A Saturday prize puzzle from November 2015: http://www.fifteensquared.net/2015/11/28/independent-9081-by-klingsor/

7 Responses to “i Cryptic Crossword 2814 Klingsor”

  1. jonofwales said

    Yet again the puzzle of the week (so far) is Friday’s. Reasonably challenging without being impossible, I only really struggled in the SE corner. That said other answers went in without fully getting (or even trying to get) what was going on. Finish time about par for the i.

  2. Topsy said

    A more pleasing offering than yesterday (of course it wasn’t to my taste). I did struggle to get started but soldiered on. I still don’t understand 9a, can anyone enlighten me please?

    • jonofwales said

      AG (Aktiengesellschaft – German, joint stock company) in PRUE Leith. No, I didn’t get any of that on solving either.

    • Cornick said

      1a and 1d were both pretty user-friendly anagrams, so with almost all the the entries coming off those (apart from 20a) going in without any significant resistance, I was off to a flying start. Things slowed up in the SE corner somewhat, but with that came more enjoyment, as is often the case. Failed to parse SHEEN as the drunken delivery of SEEN, which was clearly Klingsor’s intention, but all finished in below average time for the i today. Good stuff!

  3. batarde said

    Puzzle of the week for me too, unsurprisingly. Nothing in particular sticks out as being especially worthy of remark: it’s just one uniform slab of excellence.

  4. dtw42 said

    I was another whose first pass through this, at the breakfast table, yielded very little, and left me expecting a tough time. Coming back to it after work though, 1ac fell, then 1dn, and those helped get going. Like some others, I found the SE corner chewiest (and admit to resorting to some electronic help there). 12ac gained a “tsk”, but 6dn gained a “haha”.

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