i Cryptic Crossword 2346 Dac

August 15, 2018

It’s Wednesday and it’s Dac and it’s as good as usual. The only obscurity for me being 1ac whom I’d forgotten all about, but with a couple of checking letters in the cryptic part making it gettable. Similarly 7dn which I eat frequently but was unaware of its origins. This was an excellent example of a cryptic clue. There were a couple that went in on definition alone, 2dn I can just about see but it was 14dn that I needed the Fifteensquared blog for enlightenment.  18dn caused a bit of a delay as “initially” had me looking for an actress starting with C. LOI was 6ac  – couldn’t see that at all – otherwise apart from the lip curling word at 25dn it was smooth progress.

Lots of ticks – 7dn, 8dn and 15dn were all well constructed and 17ac deserves mention for its surface – but for COD the devious anagram at 10/11:

One out of twenty-nine couples resettled outside a northern city  (9,4,4)

After yesterdays Flowers in the rain moment I’m off to dig out Manfred Manns Demolition Man.

3 Responses to “i Cryptic Crossword 2346 Dac”

  1. batarde said

    And it’s a pangram again. No complaints whatsoever, even about 25d which strikes me as the sort of useful word which will come in handy ever so often. 😉

  2. dtw42 said

    All smooth plain sailing and good fun except that I couldn’t get 6ac at all. Turns out the reason was that I’d got 6dn WRONG (eek!). And there was me wondering how it could be so close to a pangram but without an F in it!

  3. Cornick said

    So glad you went for 10/11a as the COD – brilliantly done, wasn’t it? No problems with the solve today, but I don’t think I’ll ever learn to love constructions with things like Pi (good) or It (drink) in. I’m familiar enough now with these bits of Crosswordese, but still cling on to the grudge I felt when they first foxed me years ago!

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